A&R Security Services provides security services to businesses across South Wales and the South West/

A&R Security Services provides:

Keyholding & Alarm Response Services

Manned Guarding

Mobile Patrol


A&R Security Services, Security Guards, Coronavirus, PPE, masks, Personal Protective Equipment

Coronavirus – What do you need to know?

During this Coronavirus crisis, many law enforcement and security guards are expected to carry on their usual levels of service to both the public and to businesses in Cardiff and in South Wales. For both law enforcement and security guards to continue with their work, it is important that they are aware of the following information: recognition, protection, personal protection equipment (PPE) and how to respond correctly if exposed.

Below are some helpful guidelines to help you during this Coronavirus crisis.

Recognise signs and symptoms of Coronavirus

The World Health Organisation (W.H.O) and the NHS have issued a list of symptoms to look out for. Symptoms of the Coronavirus may include fever, a dry and continuous cough, and shortness of breath. Symptoms can appear after a few days or a long as a fortnight.

If you have these symptoms, self-isolated for 7-14 days. If symptoms are unbearable, please call NHS line 111.

Protect yourself

The guidelines from the W.H.O and NHS has stated to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters (6ft) from other persons (especially those displaying symptoms). Ensure that there are hand sanitisers close to entrance ways and practise proper hand hygiene by washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water. It is also important to know what the protocol is for assessing any persons with suspected Coronavirus.

Wear PPE (Personal, Protective, Equipment)

When dealing with any persons who have suspected Coronavirus, ensure that your building or your security vehicle has disposable latex gloves, disposable single-use gowns/coveralls and protective eyewear. This will help protect you from potential spread to yourself and other persons.

Close contact

If you have been in close contact with an individual that may have the Coronavirus, make sure to clean and disinfect your hands and security gear that you may be wearing. Use antibacterial wipes, sprays or gels to disinfect and follow the instructions accordingly. When wearing PPE with a suspected person, follow correct protocols and guidelines to dispose of. If your clothes have been contaminated, contain them in a single-use bag and wash them immediately in a high-temperature wash. Any cases or exposure to the coronavirus is to be documented.

If you are in a building that sees a high amount of people coming in and out or mingling within a certain area, look out for potential signs of exposure and ensure that visitors are practising good hand hygiene along with yourself and other members of staff within the building. If you do suspect someone of the coronavirus, ensure that they are isolated from other visitors/members of staff and you follow the correct procedures.

For further information about our Security Services, visit our website or get in touch with us on 01656 713950

Security Services, A&R Security Services, Office Security, ARSS

Top Tips for a safe and secure office.

When running a business, it’s important that your office is secure and properly protected against potential issues. Having office security is important not only for your business’s success but also for the welfare of your staff.

So here are our top tips for a safe and secure office for your business and your staff.

Employee theft prevention:

According to a survey from May 2016 – employee theft can potentially cost businesses more than £190 million annually. And it’s been found that more than two-thirds (67%) admit to stealing from the office often. There are a few measures that you can implement to prevent any theft, including checking staff’s bags as they leave, having security sensors, using time sheets to see if anyone is lingering after hours and securing store cupboards, lockers and desks with locks or password protection.

Security Officers:

Security officers are an effective way of protecting your business. Highly trained and professional security officers can identify suspicious or threatening behaviour quickly and act accordingly. Having security officers can be positioned in areas that require ID whether that would be at the entrance of the building or certain levels and they can approach anyone who they think may be trespassing and escort them out.

Access Control:

Using access control such as access card readers or coded doors can be a way to prevent trespassers from entering your building or entering certain rooms and levels. To restrict further access, you can close doors in busy corridors, preventing anyone tailgating staff who work in the building.


CCTV can allow business owners to watch and keep an eye on their business from the comfort of their own home. CCTV not only allows business owners or security guards to keep an eye on certain areas of a building but also watch for trespassers on your property or identify thieves.

Employee Awareness Guidelines:

Staff are one of the best assets at preventing crime from happening, so creating staff guidelines and giving training staff gives them a better understanding of physical and cybercrime.

Updating passwords and pins

Nearly every business has password-protected devices which contain important and sensitive information, but most devices may have the same password. Tools such as Password managers can store multiple passwords in one secure place. Also, consider making it mandatory for staff to change their passwords every 90 days.

Evacuation plan:

Ensuring that your staff is safe during an emergency is important to avoid disastrous consequences. When creating an evacuation plan, think about keeping passageways to emergency exits clear, ensuring that there is the correct amount of fire exits on each floor and there is a safe meeting evacuation point. To avoid staff not knowing what to do in an emergency, regularly train them by running fire drills but also make them aware of who is the fire and safety officer and who is trained in first aid.

Alarm System:

Installing an alarm system is a sure way of dissuading trespassers and criminals from entering your property and can alarm you immediately. Regularly maintaining and checking your alarm system is working and updated to prevent criminal activity taking place, and make sure that the alarm system is certified by the Security Systems and Alarms Inspections Board.

Motion Sensor Lighting:

Having motion sensor lighting can help detect and catch intruders attempting to enter your business outside during the night. The light emanating from them can make intruders feel exposed and being caught in the act.  Whenever installing new security lighting, make sure that all cables are hidden and that switches/main boxes are hidden behind objects or underground.  Places that they are most effective are above entrances and exits, bushes and garden objects and shaded area’s that aren’t well lit.

Install reliable cybersecurity systems.

Technology such as computers, tablets, mobile phones and even cloud-based technology has helped businesses do more work quickly and efficiently. But with more business becoming more active online, they can become potential targets for cybercriminals trying to hack important information such as client information or bank details. Installing reliable cybersecurity systems can protect your systems from potential hacking and theft of important and sensitive documents. Ensuring that your business is safe and runs smoothly.

A&R Security Services provide a range of security options for offices – If you’re interested in finding out more visit our website or give us a call on 01656 713950